Recorded webinars

Hot Topics in Women’s Health

Recorded webinars - Hot Topics in Women’s Health

Recorded Thursday, 29th April, 2021 | 7.00 - 8.30pm


This free to attend webinar is part of the “Women’s Health Matters” Medical Educational programme which aims to inspire, update and support healthcare professionals with an interest in women’s health.


Full programme

Speaker Presentations

The individual speaker presentations from the hot topics in women’s health can be viewed below.

A new educational resource for healthcare professionals –


Ms Brenda Blewitt


Women’s Health Medical Representative, Bayer

In her presentation Brenda introduces and conducts a virtual tour of Bayer’s new dedicated hub for healthcare professionals on women’s health. The website, brings together key resources in a central location to support healthcare professionals on topics related to women’s health with a focus on contraception, menorrhagia and endometrial hyperplasia.


Mirena® Prescribing Information, Kyleena® Prescribing Information, Jaydess® Prescribing Information


View Now

Duration time | 9 minutes

Hot topics in women’s health


Dr Deirdre Lundy


General Practitioner with a specialist interest in Women’s Health, ICGP LARC Tutor, ICGP Sexual and Reproductive Health Course Co-ordinator Bray, Women’s Health Centre, Bray, Co. Wicklow.

Dr Lundy's presentation covers a varied number of hot topics in women's health, including the latest updates on both Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC), and combined hormonal contraceptives (CHC). Dr Lundy’s presentation can be viewed in 3 modules which can be accessed below.


Mirena® Prescribing Information, Kyleena® Prescribing Information, Jaydess® Prescribing Information


View now

Module 1 LARC- Duration time | 21 minutes

View now

Module 2 Combined Hormonal Contraception- Duration time | 11 minutes

View now

Module 3 Q&A Session- Duration time | 43 minutes

These meetings are part of the Women’s Health Matters Educational Programme.

Reporting adverse events and quality complaints

If you want to report a side effect or quality complaint, please contact your health care professional (e.g. physician or pharmacist) or The Health Products Regulatory Authority, Reports can also be reported directly to Bayer through this link or by emailing directly on